Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Dialed in. Wired up.

Driving and Texting.

Cell phones have been known to distract the driver from concentrating on the road causing numerous accidents. Okay so let’s say your boss wants the latest numbers from today's sales meeting, or a friend wants to set up a place to meet for drinks. Traffic is backed up and you know it would take less than a minute to type a response with your thumbs, so you do.

There is little risk here, you think. And then it happens ... the person in front of you stops more quickly than you expected and you crash into them.

During the claims process your insurance company starts checking your cell-phone communications in the run-up to the accident. Now you've just lost a claim and a heck of a lot of money, all because that text was “oh-so” important.

If you avoid text messaging in your car, you stand a considerably reduced chance of a loss of a claim or a loss of life. Texting while driving, or fiddling with devices including your cell phone, BlackBerry or GPS system, is a leading factor in accidents across the country.

Dangers of Texting While Driving.

Many people today are trying to ban driving while texting (DWT). So we all should just forget DWI because the big new traffic-safety issue is DWT: Driving While Texting. When it comes to teen driving, you might as well put the danger of text-messaging while driving right up there with drunken driving as Public Enemies number one. Text messaging while driving leads the list as the biggest distraction while driving. However, we still continue to text and drive even though in fourteen states it has been banned, but none of this should surprise you! Everyone still reads articles everyday about texting and driving, how it’s way more dangerous than drinking and driving.

“Only two states specifically prohibit texting while driving. Washington banned the practice last May, and New Jersey followed suit in November. Similar bills are now in the works in Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia" (Schulte para 4).

“An estimated 20 percent of drivers are sending or receiving text messages while behind the wheel, according to a Nationwide Insurance study. And, according to another poll, that number skyrockets to 66 percent when drivers 18 to 24 are isolated" (Schulte para 1).

This is what happens,...with texting while driving! This is also very graphic stuff so if you don't like veiwing such things, I wouldn't look...

"There is also a magazine testing on how long it takes to hit the brake when sober, when legally drunk at .08, when reading and e-mail, and when sending a text. The results are scary. Driving 70 miles per hour on a deserted air strip Car and Driver editor Eddie Alderman was slower and slower reacting and braking when e-mailing and texting" (LeBeau).

The results:
• Unimpaired: .54 seconds to brake
• Legally drunk: add 4 feet
• Reading e-mail: add 36 feet
• Sending a text: add 70 feet

Works Cited
LeBeau, Phil. “Texting and Driving Worse Then Drinking and Driving.” 25 Jun. 2009. (WEB).
Schulte, Bret. “Outlawing Text Messaging While Driving.” 11 Feb. 2008. (WEB).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New York Times Article "Earth Day"

In many ways I believe that the world has changed so much when it comes to dealing with “keeping green clean” and helping the earth stay fresh. Earth day was founded about 40 years ago and the big businesses have taken it way out of proportion. Author Leslie Kaufman says in her article, At 40, Earth Day Is Now Big Business, “Many groups now accept money from corporations or partnering with them to change social behavior” (Kaufman, web). So many communities still celebrate earth week, they have an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. A lot of citizens still have the idea of keeping the earth bright at heart, they love working and cleaning to make their home a better looking place. So many are serious about making shirts and asking college students to get out and help, it’s so important to them, that it kind of seems like a religion. They want it clean and that’s what they’ll work for until it is but according to these big corporations they could care less what it looks like, just so they continue to get their money for making “keep green clean” products. “To many pioneers of the environmental movement, eco-consumerism, creeping for decades, is intensely frustrating and detracts from Earth Day’s original purpose” (Kaufman para 5). Many people have turned to the negative light and the well-known celebration itself has outlived its usefulness, it isn’t the way it used to be.

Earth Day is now observed each year on April 22 in practically every country on Earth. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. It’s a great awareness and appreciation day for the environment and it always will be unless everyone turns out like the big corporation owners and workers.

Kaufman, Leslie. New York Times: At 40, Earth Day Is Now Big Business (WEB).

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Driving and Texting. (rough)

Driving and Texting.

Cell phones have been known to distract the driver from concentrating on the road causing numerous accidents. Okay so let’s say your boss wants the latest numbers from today's sales meeting, or a friend wants to set up a place to meet for drinks. Traffic is backed up and you know it would take less than a minute to type a response with your thumbs, so you do.

There is little risk here, you think. And then it happens ... the person in front of you stops more quickly than you expected and you crash into them.

During the claims process your insurance company starts checking your cell-phone communications in the run-up to the accident. Now you've just lost a claim and a heck of a lot of money, all because that text was “oh-so” important.

If you avoid text messaging in your car, you stand a considerably reduced chance of a loss of a claim or a loss of life. Texting while driving, or fiddling with devices including your cell phone, BlackBerry or GPS system, is a leading factor in accidents across the country.

Monday, April 5, 2010

~ Easter ~

The Easter Bunny is not a modern invention. The symbol originated with the pagan celebration of Eastre. The goddess, Eastre, was worshipped by the Anglo-Saxons through her earthly symbol, the rabbit.

The Germans brought the character of the Easter rabbit to America. It was widely ignored by other Christians until shortly after the Civil War. In fact, Easter it was not widely celebrated in America until after that time.

As with the Easter Bunny and the holiday itself, the Easter egg predates the Christian holiday of Easter. The exchange of eggs in the springtime is a custom that was centuries old when Easter was first celebrated by Christians.

From the earliest times, the egg was a symbol of birth in most cultures. Eggs were often wrapped in gold leaf or, if you were a peasant, colored brightly by boiling them with the leaves or petals of certain flowers. Today, children hunt colored eggs and place them in Easter baskets along with the modern version of real Easter eggs (those made of plastic or chocolate candy).

As for my Easter Sunday we had a family get together like everyone else, ate a delicious meal, went out to hunt for Easter eggs, and watched the Blind Side. It was a pretty good day, and I enjoyed spending it with my little brother and sister and the rest of the family.

Monday, March 29, 2010

~Cause and Effects~

-Cause and Effects-

Everyone carries a cell phone these days!

--Cell phones are a large part of our society in this day and age. Everyone from businessmen to country farmers has a cell phone. I admit that I am an avid user of my cellular phone. With the unlimited minutes that my cell phone comes with, I can’t help but to use it for all of my calls.

--Using the smart phones for anything you need to look up on the internet wherever you’re at is very convenient. When many people have car wrecks or they go hiking and they feel the need to call at anytime is also a good advantage.

**Cell phones have been known to distract the driver from concentrating on the road, causing numerous accidents.

**Low level of Radiation

**The negative impact on the environment

**Privacy and data leaks becoming an issue with your service.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Creativity for Life

I think that the Sir Ken Robinson makes an important and interesting subject about how schools these days are killing the chances of creativity. So many people don’t even know their hidden talents and if we learned more with art and less with academics we could have the ability to succeed in either but it depends on what we grew up in life liking better. I also enjoyed the presentation is very funny and certainly mastered but I totally agree that many aren’t as smart with creativity as they are with math, science, and reading. Too many people focus on academics these days thinking that it’s all we need in this world. I think that creativity gives you the fuel to have your own point of view along with originality and appropriateness. I know I don’t like to be made to do something or have to listen to someone else’s view of things for long, I myself like to think of ways to make my own intelligence creative. As he talked about Gillian in this video I think that many just do what others want, like parents making them go take certain classes in school and don’t get to experience the fun things that could turn out as your life-long career in this world. In the future, I wonder how many will turn out having these certain jobs they’ve all went to school for and when they go to their interview, who will have the type of personality a boss will want because of their creativity and so forth.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Winter Fun

As temperatures dive below freezing for the winter and the long nights take hold, it's important to focus on some of the positive things that winter weather can bring us. Without cold weather there would be no snow, no ice, no backyard skating rinks, no sledding, no snow arches to build, and certainly no kite ice butt boarding! So, as long as it's winter time in the northern hemisphere, put on an extra layer, and head outside for some winter time fun.

Winter feels good in so many ways and it’s good for the heart, the head and the soul. Hibernation isn’t a choice any longer. With more winter activities becoming popular, you can find an activity that suits your interest and ability level. I on the other hand have never tried skiing or snowboarding but my brother did and he came home and sat in the tub all day long. I’m sure it’s very tiring and after a couple of hours, you finally start feeling the soreness. Of course, skiing and snowboarding are identical with winter, but have you thought about snow tubing, and cross country skiing? Sledding, a child’s favorite activity can be enjoyed by adults alike. I absolutely enjoy it, my sister, brother, and I all go sledding a lot. It’s a way to get out and have a great day. I do love the winter weather except for all the freezing cold because I’m not exactly used to it. Coming to Wisconsin and actually having it stay and not melt for a couple of days are superior except now I’m ready for it all to melt and get warm! It has been my first long winter actually living in it and it has seemed to be one of the longest times of my life but it’s a different experience so it’s been good. I would much rather have all four season than miss out because having winter makes you enjoy the spring a lot!

A little about me...

Hi, my name is Tiffany Crum. I'm 18 years old, I've always been one of the youngest in my class. 2009 Graduate of Chuckey-Doak High School. Throughout High School I was on the National Honors Society and I played volleyball and softball. Volleyball being my favorite. I was also Secretary Class Officer and voted Bestlooking. I now live in Wisconsin, I moved here from a small town called Greeneville, Tennessee. It's quite the place you would call boring! I have a fifteen year old brother that still lives in Tennessee. I also have a two year old sister and two months old baby brother that both live here in Genoa with me and my family. I moved to Wisconsin to live with my mom and to go to college here. I am attending Western Tech this semester to pursue my career as a Dental Assistant and Dental Hygienist. It was a random program to pick while i was choosing but i think it fits me best.

I'm the kind of girl who is up for anything. I consider myself nice, and I can talk about anything. I'm random. I can't concentrate on a conversation if the TV's on. My middle name is Dawn. I love surprises. I'm fascinated with taking pictures, especially black & white. I like people who are sarcastic and laugh about anything, then again I can be the one who is still comfortable around shy & quiet people. I never assume someone's not being honest with me. I trust too much. I'm always organized. Well that's a little bit about my life.