Monday, March 29, 2010

~Cause and Effects~

-Cause and Effects-

Everyone carries a cell phone these days!

--Cell phones are a large part of our society in this day and age. Everyone from businessmen to country farmers has a cell phone. I admit that I am an avid user of my cellular phone. With the unlimited minutes that my cell phone comes with, I can’t help but to use it for all of my calls.

--Using the smart phones for anything you need to look up on the internet wherever you’re at is very convenient. When many people have car wrecks or they go hiking and they feel the need to call at anytime is also a good advantage.

**Cell phones have been known to distract the driver from concentrating on the road, causing numerous accidents.

**Low level of Radiation

**The negative impact on the environment

**Privacy and data leaks becoming an issue with your service.

1 comment:

  1. I like the topic you've decided to do. You have some good ideas to work from.


A little about me...

Hi, my name is Tiffany Crum. I'm 18 years old, I've always been one of the youngest in my class. 2009 Graduate of Chuckey-Doak High School. Throughout High School I was on the National Honors Society and I played volleyball and softball. Volleyball being my favorite. I was also Secretary Class Officer and voted Bestlooking. I now live in Wisconsin, I moved here from a small town called Greeneville, Tennessee. It's quite the place you would call boring! I have a fifteen year old brother that still lives in Tennessee. I also have a two year old sister and two months old baby brother that both live here in Genoa with me and my family. I moved to Wisconsin to live with my mom and to go to college here. I am attending Western Tech this semester to pursue my career as a Dental Assistant and Dental Hygienist. It was a random program to pick while i was choosing but i think it fits me best.

I'm the kind of girl who is up for anything. I consider myself nice, and I can talk about anything. I'm random. I can't concentrate on a conversation if the TV's on. My middle name is Dawn. I love surprises. I'm fascinated with taking pictures, especially black & white. I like people who are sarcastic and laugh about anything, then again I can be the one who is still comfortable around shy & quiet people. I never assume someone's not being honest with me. I trust too much. I'm always organized. Well that's a little bit about my life.